Game Design
stories, tips, follies,
...and making some $$$ along the way!

Building a Team

Posted by: Sam Horton on Jan 22, 2009 at 9:50 PM

One of my good friends, Chuck Wainman is joining the Funface Games team as a fellow game designer/developer. He taught me most of what I know about programming, and has a proclivity for turning 500 or so of my lines of code into two or three...Which is fine, because I usually have to convert his programmer art into something that won't make your eyes bleed!

How it all began

Chuck and I have literally worked on thousands of small (student) games together while we taught a class called Interactive Media Design at Full Sail. Chuck is now teaching a class in software architecture, and brings a great deal of experience to the table, not just in programming, but in Game Design as well.

The challenges at hand

I've been running Funface Games solo for several years, but as of late, things have been getting too busy for one person to handle. There are several projects looming on the horizon, including a game that Chuck has been conjuring up for a while titled: Hero Master. I'm definitely looking forward to being able to focus on specific tasks instead of spreading myself thin with the coding, art, sound design, promotion, yada yada yada. As fun as all of that is, you really can't exceed in everything at the same time.

So welcome aboard Chuck! Lets finish some games :)

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