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Divinci Opens the Plug Awards

Posted by: Sam Horton on Apr 16, 2008 at 8:45 PM

My good friend Divinci—who also happens to be my neighbor, and the official Funface Games beta-tester—kicked off the Plug Awards in NYC recently. The people over at the Dell Lounge just released an awesome 7 HD cam shoot of him performing the Star Spangled Banner on 3 MPC's! It's really an amazing feat to play 3 of these things live... most people simply program a beat into it then walk away, but he tears them up Hendrix style in this video!

I would embed the video on my blog, but it's only available through the proprietary player on the Plug Awards site. To view it, follow the link below, click on "see all" then look for the clip with "Divinci" next to it.
Star Spangled Banner by Divinci of SOS - 2008 Plug Awards

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