Game Design
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New Intro Animation

Posted by: Sam Horton on Oct 24, 2007 at 9:42 PM

new games
I've been working on a lot of stuff this month! There are 3 new games in development (I will post details as soon as they are a bit furthur along).

new animation
The other day I created a Funface Games intro animation so I would have a more professional way to show the brand and link back to the site. To keep the filesize to a minimum, I used only text elements, which gives me more breathing room for my favorite part, the audio!
You can check it out here: Funface Games intro animation

New Funface Games Intro Animation

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  1. Blogger axcho | April 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM |  

    I like that animation! Much more stylish and artistic than most, I think. :)

    I need to make one for myself, but I'm not sure how it should look.

  2. Blogger Sam Horton | April 11, 2008 at 1:47 AM |  

    Thanks axcho!

    You might consider creating some sort of procedural animation similar to the raindrops thing you have over at deviant art. Most people just go with a basic animation, so it would be a nice change to create a more interactive logo animation... it seems right up your alley too!

    Nice job on _dRive by the way!